Watch it live here.
1:13 PM PT: Sheriff Arpaio-Taitz: "I haven't decided where to go with this yet ... I just can't forget it now ... someone's going to have to look at it."
1:14 PM PT: The only thing this press conference is missing is Herman Cain.
1:15 PM PT: "The alleged crimes happen to have to do with a birth certificate and an immigration card." As Adam Serwer said, this is all the evidence you need for why local officials shouldn't enforce immigration law.
1:15 PM PT (kos): Arpaio: "I'm not going to go public unless we have good evidence, probable cause."
He says that, at a press conference.
1:16 PM PT: "We haven't accused anyone of anything." Just someone of something, I guess.
1:17 PM PT: "Mr. President, please, come up with some other information about where you were born. ... I'll say I'm sorry."
1:18 PM PT: Arpaio-Taitz hasn't endorsed anyone this time around, but in 2007 he was an honorary co-chair of Mitt Romney's campaign. link
1:18 PM PT (kos): Arpaio: Obama is guilty until he can prove his innocence to Jerome Corsi at the wingnut World News Daily.
1:19 PM PT: Huge admission from Orly-Joe's voluntary posse: "We know a birth took place." So, Obama is human. That's more than you can say about Mitt Romney!
1:21 PM PT: And the insanity — or at least this latest installment of it — is over. An 80 minute press conference revealing absolutely no new information other than confirming what we already knew: That Sheriff Orly Joe Arpaio-Taitz is a total nut job.
1:23 PM PT (kos): Get this, Arpaio's "lead investigator" answered a question about Obama's American mother by saying, "That's a Second Amendment issue and I'm not going to get into it."
Kinda tells you all you need to know about that "posse".