As many of you know, last week Wisconsin state representative Don Pridemore made the unbelievable callous suggestion that abusive marriages can be fixed if the partners rediscover why they got married in the first place. As a guy who was involved in an emotionally abusive marriage for three years, this hit an extremely raw nerve with me, especially since it in essence resurrects an old and disgusting smear against abuse victims--somehow, it's the victim's fault.
You'd think that some prominent Republican woman in Wisconsin--least of all the most powerful Republican woman of all, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch--would condemn these sentiments as callous and inappropriate. Thus far, this has been their response:
If there is any doubt that the Wisconsin GOP is unfit to govern, this is it. How in the world can any woman, regardless of party, remain silent in the face of such a disgusting smear? For instance, Kleefisch once claimed that her Christian beliefs require her to oppose gay marriage. Um, Rebecca? Wouldn't you think that if you were as devoutly Christian as you claim to be, you'd speak out against Pridemore's garbage as well? Your hypocrisy has been exposed for all to see.