BREAKING: Romney camp tells CNN the installation of a car elevator at La Jolla mansion is on hold until after the campaign #thisisnotajoke
— @edshow via web
Ah, that Mitt. Despite Romney momentarily delaying his efforts to become the world's lamest Batman impersonator (who needs a mere car elevator when you've got a whole White House to play around in?) it seems that not even this is enough to keep the ruffians from ruffying at his expense. So here ya go, knock yourselves out, you internet ruffians.

We get to talk about the car elevator for another day? #Awesome
— @DemocratMachine via web

#thisisnotajoke Ahh, so Romney can be a little more flexible after the election? Just like Obama can with Russia?
— @B_D_Silver via TweetDeck

Romney likes being able to fire car elevator contractors.
— @zerOdysseus via web

Romney: You don't think I'd use illegal aliens to carry my car up the stairs? I'M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.
— @sufferfest via Tweetbot for iOS

Back when I lived in the "real streets of America," we had 6-car garages with NO ELEVATORS! Imagine that! #RomneyAnecdotes
— @DCdebbie via web

My house lobbyist is going to be so bummed when I tell him about the car elevator being delayed. NOTE: Humor him with factory closing yarns.
— @LOLGOP via TweetDeck
What a flip-flopper.