So, we're long past the point where they're trying to hide it. It's just out in the open, unapologetic, and proud.
Here's Barbara Espinoza of "Hair on Fire" calling President Obama the "first monkey President".
So yeah, I ran into that little gem over at the website Sonoran Alliance, a very conservative website, and the proprietor seems to be equally flabbergasted and appalled by those comments.
Barbara Espinosa (who incidentally runs or used to run a radio show with the former AZ GOP chairman Randy Pullen called "Hair on Fire") is trying both trying to cover her ass and justify her racism at the same time. At first, At first, she tries to justify her comments with this
The comment was prompted by the google image cartoon that was sent to me.
Oh, well, that's OK then! Someone sent you a racist cartoon, so what can you do except agree with it 100%! She actually includes a link to a Google image search that brings up dozens upon dozens of racist cartoons. You and I might think: "Well, that's not cool". Barbara Espinosa apparently thinks: "What a succinct way of expressing my terrible beliefs".
With a last name of Espinosa I’m anything but racist.
That's from the same comment. Apparently, you can play the race card, but only if you're conservative.
And today, on her own website, she climbs up on the cross while simultaneously doubling-down:
YES! I Did Use the Word Monkey and Obama in the Same Sentence
In the article, she copies and pastes the Wikipedia on monkeys and highlights this section:
Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent.
I believe she may think that this is... complimentary? Justification? Help me out here.
But she doesn't stop, oh no. Remember George Allen's "macaca" comment (of course you do). Well, she just keeps quoting Wikipedia...
Tailless monkeys may be called "apes", incorrectly according to modern usage; thus the tailless Barbary macaque is called the "Barbary ape".
In a state where racism is more or less enshrined by the dominant political party, this is an extremem example of where it'll go if we don't stop it - if good men and women don't push back against horrible people like Barbara Espinosa.
And that's the real tragedy of this. She doesn't know she's a monster. She thinks that being able to spew her racist drivel is worthy of praise:
Unless there has been a takeover of America and free speech is no longer allowed and I can be put to death for making a remark, I refuse to take the fifth.
You can't argue with people like this. All you can do is shine the light on them so people know who the monsters truly are.
UPDATED: Rec list, thank you! Sometimes I hate pointing out some of the horrible people in my adopted state of Arizona, but like the saying goes: "No pain, no gain". If we have to stand in the harsh light to disinfect ourselves, so be it.
UPDATED x2:: Thanks to Blue Intrigue, we've got a feedback to the radio station (KFNX 1100AM) where we can talk to them about their policy of broadcasting low-wattage (in more ways than one) racism: