Darrell Issa has made the rounds of the Sunday morning talk news shows, talking about "Fast and Furious", Eric Holder and the President. Beyond those things, one of his comments made me stand up and take notice...
You Can't Blame Your Brother...Why Not? Isn't That Exactly What Issa Has Always Done?
Darrell Issa, today on ABC's This Week, made a blunder I won't soon forget. He won't either, because what he said today is the same thing he has said for years, each and every time he was arrested for auto theft or illegal possession of firearms.
Issa's quote: "The whole point of this thing is a little bit like when you do something wrong and then lie about it as a young person, you can't say, oh, after you get caught, my brother did it, too..."
When questioned about his dubious past and many criminal arrests, Issa has always said, "I was just a kid", or "It was my brother". Sometimes Issa goes even further to say that these things happened so long ago, when he was a kid (in his mid and late twenties), that he doesn't even remember...
Just saying, maybe Issa forgot that these have always been his favorite words when he was caught red-handed.
Issa's Past Arrests!
Issa Scrubs Wikipedia To Make Himself Look Better
Issa: Lies, Lies and More Lies