So I'm driving into work this morning, listening on the Stephanie Miller show to clips of Romney telling the NAACP that he will repeal "Obamacare," when it hits me:
The Republicans are well and truly f#*ked. They HAVE TO repeal "Obamacare."
Here's why:
Unless the Republicans can erase from the public record all vestiges of the Affordable Care Act, they will have to spend the rest of their lives - literally, the rest of their lives - hearing Americans refer to their medical insurance plans as "Obamacare."
Let that sink in.
Think about the phrase, "Social Security." Think about what a taken-for-granted phrase that is. Every single adult American knows what "Social Security" is.
Think about "Medicare." Who doesn't know what that is?
Think about the "Miranda warning." What's a "Sigalert"? Diesel engine. Zamboni, for god's sake.
Morse code
Ferris wheel
Marshall Plan
Monroe Doctrine
Yes, that's right: The man the neoracist oligarchic xenophobic tribal other-haters want to light their hair on fire about will be named every time anyone in their gott-blessid United States of Amrka mentions health insurance.
It will serve as a reminder of just exactly who it was who brought health coverage to the vast majority of Americans - and, for those who were alive during its birthing, a reminder of just which party fought tooth and nail to kill it. Democratic success, Republican epic fail.
I hope they never get used to hearing it.