I know that it's in poor taste to "politicize" the Aurora shooting to make a point about gun control. I think that's bullshit, but I also understand the political realities of that issue.
But the case of Caleb Medley is another matter. He was shot in the eye, is in an induced coma, and faces $2 million in medical costs. Oh, and also, his wife gave birth to a son today in the very hospital where he lies in critical condition.
Oh and yes, he is uninsured.
I keep asking myself what will it take to convince people that the ACA is a good thing -- not just for themselves, but for this country. Maybe this is at least one thing. Do people really want an innocent victim of a horrible shooting to go into bankruptcy because of medical bills?
Well, maybe a lot of them don't care. But maybe they care that their taxes have to pay for Caleb's bills when he can't pay them.
So I say -- You don't want to "politicize" Aurora for gun control. Fine.
But let's let everyone know that Caleb Medley would be covered if the ACA were in effect today.
Situations like Caleb's make me livid with rage. What kind of country is this? A deranged man buys assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition legally. And one guy who's lucky enough to survive is mostly likely financially ruined by medical bills.
Ask Romney about this guy and repealing the ACA.
Ask those FL retirees about this guy.
Politicize this.