I saw some statistics today on the new voter ID law in Pennsylvania that prompted me to write this diary: It is now easier to purchase a gun in Pennsylvania than it is to vote. The voter ID bill – which has made it harder to vote – was signed into law last year under the watch of newly-elected Governor Tom Corbett. Current estimates show that the new voter ID law will negatively affect over 750,000 people – mostly minority and democratic-leaning voters – within the state of Pennsylvania.
So far, under Corbett’s watch, the process of purchasing weapons has become progressively easier while, at the same time, voting has become more difficult; to the point where it is now harder to vote than it is to buy a rifle.
Instead of Corbett concentrating on real issues, like making it harder for insane people to acquire firearms, he has decided to focus his efforts on making it harder to vote.
Let me say, that as a concerned citizen, I am more worried about crazy people showing up to the polls with assault rifles than I am about imaginary, non-existent, ‘voter fraud’. While not one single case of voter fraud has been found in the entire state of PA, gun purchases have been going through the roof.
If you live in Pennsylvania and think you may be affected, Click here and get all of the information you’ll need to know about the new voter ID process. We can’t let Republicans suppress the vote; too many have sacrificed their lives in order to guarantee us this right.