It's getting lonelier and lonelier for Mitt and Paul
So earlier today, Paul Ryan decides to give the online Q&A thing a shot and
Late Monday morning, he posted a thread on question-and-answer site Quora that, at least at first, largely flew under Internet users’ respective radars. [...] Ryan’s Quora thread failed to immediately gain the traction and popularity of Obama’s recent Reddit appearance, which saw 865,092 unique visitors in the first hour, up from 518,312 on Reddit prior to Obama’s interview. Nearly an hour after Ryan’s Quora thread was posted, it was seen by less than 200 people and had only one comment — a user’s fact-check on Ryan’s arguments that has since been downvoted.
Let's say that Obama's Reddit audience was just 347,000 in the first hour. That's a conservative estimate that assumes only Reddit's incremental traffic viewed the Obama thread, but it's still nearly two thousand times larger than Ryan's audience. And that was just in the first hour!
Obviously, part of the problem here is that Ryanland decided to use Quora when they could have used Reddit. But the reason why they didn't use Reddit is obvious: They don't actually want to answer questions, because most of the questions they get are about their campaign lies. In fact, the only question Ryan got in his first hour was about exactly that. And since then, more comments have been posted to the thread but almost all the ones that were either critical of Ryan or asked him to document his claims were hidden. And Romneyland won't be responding to them either:
A source close to the Romney-Ryan campaign told Mashable that it was “unclear” if Ryan would be responding to comments left on his Quora thread, but the source added that the campaign is hoping to continue to expand their usage of Quora over time.
So ... Romneyland puts Paul Ryan up for an online Q&A that almost nobody sees, and decides that they probably won't answer the one question that he got because they didn't like it, nor will they necessarily answer any questions in the future because not enough people were ready to buy their bogus political arguments.
But they claim that they are planning to continue doing even more of these sorts of events. Brilliant, eh? And yet they wonder why nobody who is paying any attention takes them seriously.