I've cracked wise before that this is what the American Taliban wants ( sold at WalMart, made in China natch) but we may be closer than you think.
As you know, the He Man Woman Hater's Club is meeting this weekend although they are calling it the Values Voter's Summit, and yes my fellow females, we are on the agenda.
In addition to focus on our insides, the self appointed rule makers have decided we, as a gender, are showing too much of our outsides. But fear not, they've got us covered. More literally than you might think. Over the squiggle-de-jibbit.
Group At Conservative Conference Urge Women To ‘Go Home And Put Some Clothes On’
WASHINGTON, DC — Literature being handed out at the Values Voter Summit on Friday attacks women for being “immodest” and extolled them to “go home and put some clothes on!”
In flyers and brochures on display at Values Voters, the social conservative conference where Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan spoke, an organization called Modesty Matters criticized women for dressing “immodestly” at church, and blamed women for causing men to stare lustfully at them.
Now where have we heard this before? When do the modesty patrols begin with men jumping from the backs of trucks to beat us? I am not making light of the very real occurrences of that in other countries. I'm just so damned pissed off that this kind of shit could very well happen in our own. Sure they might be talking about dressing properly for church as a start. I don't even go to church so what am I worried about? You think they'll stop there?
I'm additionally pissed off that the brochure the American Taliban is passing out features a black woman on its cover. An entire standalone and separate diary can be devoted to the way American society sees black women as hypersexualized and how it's just a coincidence that it's not a "wholesome" blond Caucasian on the cover.
See apparently the menfolk can't control themselves and as this brochure states are "particularly visual" , so we wimminfolk can inspire lustful thoughts. I didn't realize men had no self control. Blink, and we're right back to questioning what a rape victim ( legitimate even) was wearing. Then again, in some places in the US we never seem to have left that time.
Wonder if this applies to $i$ter Grifter from Wasilla in her Christian Laboutain high heels and tight designer skirts? Paging Rich Lowry.
I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn:
The Family Research Council provided Modesty Matters with a table at the conference to distribute these pamphlets.
The irony in all of this? I probably dress "modestly" enough for these people but that's just because of choice and style. I also have a big scar on my chest that I get tired of people asking about so I generally wear tops that come up to my collar bone. I like comfortable, soft tunic type tops because they're comfortable, soft, don't irritate my scar, and cover a multitude of pun completely intended, sins. Not to say I'm frumpy...far from it.
But again, I dress how I dress because it works for me. NOT because some group of people has taken it upon themselves to tell me I might entice some idiot who can't control his wandering eyes. Hell, my husband knows better than to make wardrobe suggestions for me so these people? Suck it.
But be aware....they're out there. And just like we've seen encroachment in every other area of women's lives, now they're headed to our closets.