If you forgot to refill your prescription for angry pills, the attached video will make a fine substitute. If you know all about the Solidarity Sing Along, skip down to the video. If not, here is some background from their "About" page on facebook:
The mission of Solidarity Sing Along is to create positive, progressive change through participatory song.
Solidarity Sing Along began happening at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison on March 11, 2011, and there has been a Solidarity Sing Along at noon every weekday since then. The sing alongs started up as the large protests and the Capitol occupation were ending. They serve to maintain a continuous progressive, pro-labor presence at the Capitol, as well as providing a place where union members, activists, and citizens can come together and rejuvenate their spirits through song as we continue the fight against Governor Walker and his Republican allies.
Sing alongs usually happen in the Capitol rotunda, but occasionally move outside to the State Street side of the Capitol if there is a previously scheduled event in the rotunda.
Since September of 2012, the chief of the Capitol Police, David Erwin, has ordered his officers to "crack down" on the peaceful singers. Please note that David Erwin served as Governor Scott Walker's bodyguard until Walker appointed him as Chief last summer.
This morning, three (yes, three) Capitol Police officers drove two squad cars to a small town north of Madison to deliver a citation to a retired woman they decided was a "leader" of the Sing Along.
Need more anger-inducing news about the attack on Wisconsinites' constitutional rights? If so, check out this story from the Wisconsin Citizens Media Cooperative:
WCMC has obtained a complete list of names that the Capitol Police have been using to take attendance at the Solidarity Sing Along.
Included on that list is State Representative Chris Taylor (D-Madison).
Really. They are tracking an elected state representative.
Go look.
11:56 AM PT: If you have any questions about the video or the citation, contact Deputy Chief Dan Blackdeer at (608) 266-8797 or by e-mail at Dan.Blackdeer@wisconsin.gov