A quick hit.
My views on the fiscal cliff negotiation are a matter of record. I think it was bad bargaining. Check my diaries if you want to know why.
But what's done is done. Personally, I have no further interest in debating the merits of the President's bargaining on that deal. YMMV.
I am interested in thinking about how to be an activist on the next "crisis," the debt ceiling, sequestration, end of the funding CR in the next 60 to 80 days or so.
I'll elaborate when I have more time but here is a quick thought - the money is in "entitlement" programs. Fix the Debt is licking its chops to have people go after them.
My hope is for early and coordinated activism making a "Grand Bargain" an absolute non-starter for Democrats in Congress.
Can it work? If the answer is "who knows?" or "probably not" does not change my view.
If not us, who? If not this fight, what fight? Time to organize, call, and make your voice heard to stop the coming attacks on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the entire panoply of government programs intended to help the most vulnerable in our society.
As has often been said on this blog, that's who we are.