Big and bold, the words “Latest Sedition” appeared on a graphic of Palin and Cruz at the “Couple Hundred Vets and Some Racists Get Together in DC” palava over the weekend.
"Latest Sedition"
I just don’t get it. From Wisconsin to North Carolina, citizens are being arrested for harmlessly exercising their constitutionally guaranteed First Amendment rights. In Texas, women had their tampons seized (along with their uteri). In California, they got pepper sprayed. Back in Wisconsin, they were even punished for NOT SPEAKING.
Moral Monday arrests in North Carolina.
Pepper sprayed at UC Davis.
In Wisconsin, not speaking will get you in trouble.
Tampons deemed too dangerous for Texas.
Arrested for singing in Wisconsin
But Ted Cruz and his posse of traitors can engage in outright sedition and the actual destruction of America without fear of anything more serious than losing an election?
Something is very, very wrong with this upside-down state of affairs. Sadly, I think it will take descending into tragedy before sanity again starts to prevail.
Update: I don't usually care if my diaries make the rec list but am thrilled to see that this one has! Seeing Dana Bash quote Scooby F'ing Doo in her tweet about the House holding John of Orange hostage ["Ruh roh. House repubs don't have the votes for the plan they sold to caucus this am.Top house aide confirms to me they're "struggling" there not being enough"] has my blood BOILING. I'll take one Maddow over 10,000 Dana Bash bobble heads any day of the week!