Republicans reportedly still have women's access to birth control in their shutdown/default crosshairs:
Contraception in play in debt/CR debate: some GOP members want conscience protections for health providers in the plan
— @dnewhauser
Giving employers the right to exclude birth control from health coverage has been on the Republican shutdown wishlist
all along. But if, as reported, they're holding on to the demand this late in the game, using the very real suffering of the shutdown and the very real possibility of catastrophic default as
leverage to get between women and their doctors, it's hard to find much better evidence for the centrality of controlling women to today's Republican agenda.
Please sign our petition thanking President Obama and Democrats in Congress for standing up to Republicans during the shutdown, and urge them to hold fast as the fight continues.
9:55 AM PT:
How about a conscience clause to forbid Congress from taking food out of the mouths of babies by harming WIC with a shutdown?
— @LisaMcIntire