If you take a look at this website, it shows the number of bitcoin nodes running in each country around the world (these are the computers running to both mine bitcoin and provide the network for transaction confirmations when bitcoin are used). So I pulled some other numbers to do a quick analysis: 1. number of computers per country and 2. population. When looking at the penetration of the nodes in the world and sorting them, we have the following:
Countries in order of nodes per one million computers:
1. Canada (338)
2. China (233)
3. Germany (219)
4. Russia (218)
5. UK (191)
6. US (139)
7. France (74)
8. Italy (71)
9. Brazil (59)
10.India (19)
11. Japan (14)
Countries in order of nodes per one million people:
1. Canada (215)
2. Germany (194)
3. UK (164)
4. US (136)
5. Russia (81)
6. France (60)
7. Italy (53)
8. China (33)
9. Brazil (14)
10. Japan (11)
11. India (1)
Now I realize this isn't a scientific analysis but it is still interesting nonetheless. Being a Canadian myself, I can tell you we feel the chokehold of being so strongly tied to the US dollar. I've heard my whole life that if they go down, we go down with them (economically speaking). So I find it very encouraging that Canadians are early adopters of a currency solution that could provide us a safe way out of that chokehold. When the financial kaka hits the fan and the bubble that is the US reserve currency goes bust, perhaps we can survive the ride through bitcoin!
Honestly, if that does take place, I'll be the first one laughing at the 1% as they crash and burn... THAT my friends is where the real bubble is, and I can't wait for it to bust.
But Canada aside, all in all, those are a couple of pretty interesting lists right there when considering world economics and politics.