It's Election Night in many states across the country, and we're liveblogging the results of races large and small. The biggest contests are for governor in New Jersey and Virginia and mayor in New York City, but there are many other hotly contested elections that are up for grabs, including attorney general and the state House of Delegates in Virginia; a key state Senate seat in Washington; and mayoral races in Boston, Seattle, and many other cities.
Results: New Jersey | New York | Virginia
5:24 PM PT: If this holds, a lot of pollsters will have been very wrong:
Via CNN, new exit poll estimate: 47 McCauliffe, 45 Cuccinelli, 7 Sarvis. Likely reweighted against actual results in samped precincts
— @MysteryPollster
5:27 PM PT (Steve Singiser): At the legislative level, the news is also not great for Democrats. Despite hopes they could pick up several seats in a blue wave, the absence thus far of said wave has also diminished their prospects in the lege. They lead in just two districts: NoVa's HD-32 (where GOP incumbent Tag Greason is down 51-49 with just 20 percent reporting) and in HD-93 (where Democrat Monty Mason leads GOPer Mike Watson 55-45 with just under half the vote in). Since the GOP came with a built-in gain (HD-04, where the Dem incumbent retired and no Democrat filed to take his place), that would be a net gain of a single seat for Democrats. That would leave the House of Delegates in Virginia at 67 Republicans, 33 Democrats.
5:27 PM PT: There's also a GOP runoff in the AL-01 special election, between ex-state Sen. Bradley Byrne and tea partier Dean Young. A few votes have trickled in there.
5:27 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 16 out of 168 precincts reporting in Charlotte and Dem Cannon leads Republican Peacock 60-40.
5:31 PM PT: 56% reporting in VA-Gov now, and Cuccinelli's up 49-44. Still a lot of Dem areas to report, but this is kinda wow.
5:35 PM PT (Darth Jeff): Boston has begun to report a handful of votes in the race between state Rep. Marty Walsh and Councilor John Connolly.
5:40 PM PT (Darth Jeff): 26 out of 168 precincts reporting in Charlotte and Dem Cannon leads Republican Peacock 58-42.
5:41 PM PT: And now the AP has finally called the VA LG race for Democrat Ralph Northam.
5:42 PM PT (Laura Clawson): The liveblog continues here.