Remember Mike Vanderboegh? He's the Alabama wingnut who urged others to throw bricks through the offices of Congressional Democrats for Obamacare back in 2010. Then in 2011, he may very well have been the inspiration for four Georgia militiamen who were arrested before they could go through with a plot to murder law enforcement and government officials. He was the main blogger behind getting Fast & Furious covered by Fox News and right-wing media repeatedly.
Now in his latest stunt, he's mailed high-capacity magazines to pro-gun control Governors.
Vanderboegh wrote in letters posted on his blog and dated Dec. 18 that he sent a 30-round magazine to both Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) and Connecticut Gov. Daniel Malloy (D). After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Connecticut passed a package of gun control legislation that outlawed new magazines holding over 10 rounds, while Colorado's new gun control laws restrict magazine capacity to 15 rounds.
Vanderboegh told the Register Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's (D) office signed for a 20-round magazine he sent along with a letter also dated Dec. 18. Maryland's new gun legislation, also enacted in the wake of the Newtown, Conn. shooting, limited magazine capacity to 10 rounds.
Spokespeople for Connecticut Gov. Daniel Malloy (D) and Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) told the Register that no such packages had arrived in their offices. As the Register points out, it's unlikely that such a package would be delivered as it would have to first be vetted by police.
BTW, if you're wondering if he's a "moocher", he most definitely is, so there's some
massive cognitive dissonance at work here as well.
He lives in Pinson, north of Birmingham, and gets by on disability payments, blogging from his modest home. He described himself and like-minded people as "Three Percenters," referring to the idea that only 3 percent of the American colonists fought against the British in the Revolutionary War.
BTW, there have been 28 mass shootings (which means at least 4 people shot to death) in the U.S. in 2013, with the latest one occurring last night in Louisiana.
Freedom, or something.