My heart is aching for another senseless murder. Jonylah Watkins who was only 6 months old succumbed to her injuries after being shot 5 times in Chicago. When is enough enough? I'm sure the parents of those beautiful children in Newton and everywhere else that has experienced a loss due to gun violence are asking the same questions.
Let's not kid ourselves into thinking our lawmakers are interested in protecting people's right to own guns. This has never been about taking away people's 2nd amendment rights. This has ALWAYS been about senseless gun crimes. If they really cared about protecting our kids and what "We The People Thought" and less about the money they receive from lobbyist (i.e. gun manufacturers/NRA) we would already have sensible gun laws. As recently as today a new poll released by The Washington Post/ABC News shows the public is clearly on the side of gun control
According to the poll, conducted from March 7 to 10 among 1,001 adults, Americans favor the imposition of stricter gun laws by 52-45 percent, with three percent expressing no opinion.
When asked about individual policies, however, support tended to be much stronger: 91 percent said they support requiring background checks at gun shows; 82 percent backed the idea of making illegal gun sales a federal crime; 57 percent favored a nationwide ban on assault weapons. Half -- 50 percent - also supported the idea of placing an armed guard in every school.
As congress pu$$yfoot around trying to give the appearance of doing something we've got to continue to send them the message that we want sensible gun laws that President Obama outlined
1. Requiring background checks for all gun sales
2. Strengthen the background checks system for gun sales
3. Pass ban on assault weapons
4. Limit ammunition magazines
5. Get armor piercing bullets off the streets
6. Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crimes
We now have powerful ally's on our side. We need to organize and contact them about setting up a real March on Washington. We can't sit idle and do nothing or allow them to give the appearance of doing something. The status quo is unacceptable. Please join, donate, and contact the following organizations:
Americans for Responsible Solutions (Mark Kelly & Gabrielle Giffords Organization)
MayorsAgainstIllegalGuns (Michael Bloomberg's group)
Organizing for Action
When is ENOUGH..ENOUGH? It hope enough is today.