He did.
Barack Obama killed my Mom. Okay, she's still alive but you know what I mean. Just hasn't got around to it yet.
I'm going to put Barack Obama's picture in my cat box. Then I'm going to get a cat. Barack Obama will probably kill it though.
Hugo Chavez was Jesus Christ. Mitt Romney and Hugo Chavez, that's who I voted for. None of this Wheaties Peeing and tropical fish killing would have gone down if Mitt Romney Hugo Chavez was President, no sir! MRHC don't roll like that.
Barack Obama killed my tropical fish. Forgot that part.
You think you're upset by this diary, just wait until it tops the MFRL. (motherfucking rec list). You're going to explode like that guy in Scanners.
Barack Obama did that too.
Barack Obama blew that dude's head up BLAAP! That was real by the way.
Holy crap. Well, might as well be some good come of this. DONATE to Daily Kos! This is where, no matter what your opinion, even if it's absolute shit like mine is, YOU WILL BE READ!