I know there's a lot of people on Daily Kos who do not like President Obama one damn bit. That's okay. You're criticizing the coach. You can do that.
But when, on Daily Kos, you call for the impeachment of President Barack Obama on Constitutional grounds,
You're running toward the wrong fucking end zone.
You're heading toward the mound fully intent on punching your own pitcher.
You're creating an intentional turnover.
You're shaving points.
And just so y'all know this is really me,
You're blowing the opposing quarterback during half time.
Speaking of blowing, Bill Clinton could not have been impeached for lying about a blow job had a bunch of Democrats not crossed over to the other side. You can criticize Democrats. You can criticize their strategy and you SHOULD. But if you're calling for Barack Obama's impeachment, now, right now, on the basis of high crimes and misdemeanors, HERE on Daily Kos, you're on the wrong team.
I should have to prove that and I will. These folks have also called for President Obama's impeachment:
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT
James Inhofe (R-Okla.)
Michele Bachmann (R-Batshit)
Steve King (R-Iowa)
Steve Stockman (R-NRA)
Trey Radel (R-NRA)
Louie Gohmert (R-NRA-Batshit-Batshit-Retarded)
Edwin Meese (R-Former Attorney General)
Larry Pratt (Gun Owners of America)
Dick Morris (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!1!)
Sean Hannity
Newt Gingrich
Grover Norquist
Neil Cavuto
Herman Cain
I could go on and on and on and on, and there would not be a single "D" on that list unless it meant "Daily Kos". There has to be such a thing within this community as going too fucking far. Conspiracy theories, for instance, are going too fucking far. I think calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama is no different.
Not going to participate in the comments. Knock yourself out.