New bumper sticker: Democrats are from Earth, Republicans are from Mars
Couldn't have
said it better myself:
“We have got to get past that and figure out what are we going to do going forward,” a GOP aide stressed. “Some of the accusations, I mean you wouldn’t believe some of this stuff. It’s just — I mean, you’ve got to be on Mars to come up with some of this stuff.”
Fortunately—at least from a political perspective—whoever said that is just about the only person in the Republican Party who realizes what a cluster*
* Benghazi has become for their party. Just ask Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who
said yesterday that Benghazi might lead to Obama's impeachment—not because he's uncovered anything that Obama did in Benghazi was impeachable, but because Obama hasn't helped the committee find the nonexistent evidence that would justify his impeachment. And yeah, that's an idea from Mars.