A brief rant on the shit I'm into.
I've started a few hobbies. Some of them may seem somewhat strange, but then I'm somewhat strange, so that shouldn't be surprising.
This--what I'm doing right now, this is a hobby. Blogging is a hobby. I do it a few times a week. Writing helps me relieve stress. I also have this little mood tracker on my phone that I think might be a hobby. I'm bipolar, you know, so I find it useful to record how I'm feeling three times a day. Is that a hobby? I'm not sure. I'm also looking into getting a jump rope, because my therapist suggested it. She said jumping rope is one of the best ways to release the brain's natural antidepressants. So, maybe jumping rope will become a hobby. I also lift weights every morning.
Man, I watch a lot of movies to. All kinds of movies. New movies. Old movies. Big movies, Small movies. Red movies, blue movies...that's a hobby. I also follow a few T.V. shows. I watch Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Peep Show, Girls, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, and Adventure Time with my kids. I should probably add that I watch My Little Pony with my son Langston, who loves that show. It's a good show! I'm not ashamed of it. I also buy lots of books.
I've been collecting comic books lately, too. I used to collect them when I was a kid, and just started to collect them again to have something to do with my kids. It was going to be a casual thing, but then it took on a life of its own. I found myself deeply immersed in Swamp Thing, Sandman, Constantine, Animal Man, and Tomorrow Stories. The new 52 books are really good, and I'm reading all of the old Constantine and Swamp Thing comics as well as the new runs. I find myself eagerly looking forward to each new issue. It's not really about my kids anymore. I'm sucked in.
And now I feel this weird pull towards vinyl records. God help me. I was just listening to Marc Maron's intro to his interview with Thom Yorke, and he was talking about collecting records. I though, 'hey, I could get into that...'
What's wrong with me? What kind of hole am I trying to fill with all this shit? I used to think that life was about stripping away, getting closer to the source, etc. But here I am, collecting all kinds of hobbies.
Thank Christ sports have never appealed to me. Or cigars. Or golf. Rock climbing however...that seems kind of cool. And coins...a collection of rare coins might be neat. But then, I could always start raising chickens.