The rodeo at the Missouri state fair this weekend demonstrated
just how post-racial our society really is, sending a rodeo clown out in a Barack Obama mask as:
Rodeo announcer Mark Ficken, president of the Missouri Cowboy Rodeo Association and a school superintendent, announced a special guest: "President Obama."
Working up the crowd, Ficken said, "We're going to stomp Obama now."
"As soon as this bull comes out, Obama, don't you move," he said. "He's going to getcha, getcha getcha, getcha."
A clown on the arena floor chimed in: "Hey, I know I'm a clown. He's just running around acting like one. Doesn't know he is one."
That's right, rodeo clown. The president is "running around" ignorant of something that's obvious to you. Ha ha ha, the black man got above himself and thinks he's better than a rodeo clown, how dare he, let's get a crowd to cheer at the idea of a bull running him over.
If you read this and are tempted to think "oh, but this might just be about party and policy, not race," consider that "another clown ran up to the one wearing the Obama mask, pretended to tickle him and played with the lips on the mask." (And if you were tempted to think this wasn't about race, you haven't been paying attention the past five years or you're just really, really in denial.)
Oh, and in case you missed it, the announcer reveling in the idea of "stomping" Obama? That guy is a school superintendent. He's in charge of the education of the children of Boonville, Missouri. Good to know the kind of attitude coming from the top in those schools.