...or the Colts or farming or any other of the stereotypes associated with Indianapolis and Indiana - or at least I frequently try to convince myself and others of that.

Until I become independently wealthy or find my dream job in the San Francisco area, Indianapolis is my home now. I am a 'born & bred' "Hoosier" and will be for life no matter where I end up.

I knew I couldn't be the only square peg in a round hole in this area, and the current 24 - member - strong membership in Indianapolis Kossacks proves me right! :D
National issues important to me take on a new light in my fair city & state. As far as the issue of women's reproductive decisions being between her & her health care provider, remember my Governor is Mike "Planned Parenthood is Evil and Defund It!" Pence. We nearly had our own version of vaginal ultrasound hell made into law, but cooler heads prevailed - for the moment. The GOBP has a super majority in both the House and the Senate, so who knows what fresh hell from them will be.

For years and years and YEARS, intolerant homophobic "Christians" have pushed to make anti - marriage equality part of our state Constitution. Before now, the crackpot idea never even got out of committee. However, with the aforementioned GOBP super majority, all it has to do is pass both the House and the Senate again, and the amendment will show up on Indiana ballots next year. However, an ACTUAL & well - organized BIPARTISAN group are trying to put the kibosh on such shenanigans. Some people, at least, are beginning to realize the negative state economic impact of such hateful marginalization of such a diverse and talented group. The question now is will economic pragmatism win out over the "Gay?! Ick!!" factor.

As far as any sort of censorship or attempts at book banning, my state is actually sort of downright enlightened in that area. But, how bone - headed would the birth state of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. look if we tried. Granted, there are plenty who could give a shoobie - doobie, but I'll take any REAL Hoosier pride where I can get it! :D

So, that's me & where I live - both literally and figuratively. Now, hopefully lots of Indianapolis Kossacks will drop by to introduce themselves & talk a little about what motivates them!
Saturday, September 28th
Indianapolis Kossacks First Ever Meet-up
TIME: 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Shapiro's Deli
808 S Meridian • Downtown Indianapolis
ORGANIZER: Send CityLightsLover a kosmail to attend.
1. CityLightsLover
2. annan
3. Mokurai
4. Alexandra Lynch
5. dylanfan
6. zenbassoon
7. Hawksana
9. Greek Goddess
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