On Sunday, June 8, 2014, two shooters viciously
gunned down two police officers and a civilian before turning their guns on each other. Early reports indicated they
draped the slain officers in Gadsen flags and yelled "this is the start of the revolution."
Wonkette identified the shooters as Jerad and Amanda Miller. Their Facebook pages reveal an affinity for gun rights, Cliven Bundy, Tea Party politics, chemtrail conspiracies and New World Order paranoia.
This was posted only one day before the rampage:
Here is Jerad Miller posing with Tea Party militia leader Richard Mack—who was recently front and center in the Bundy Ranch standoff, claiming they were planning to
use women as human shields at the Bundy Ranch in the event a gun battle broke out with the federal government.
One month before their deadly spree, Jerad Miller was asking his friends on Facebook for help getting a gun, as you can see below the fold:
Here Amanda Miller shows off her Christmas presents from this past Christmas:
Another shows her at target practice:
And she posted this bitstrip cartoon just days after they got married:
It's now confirmed that Jerad Miller was at the Bundy Ranch during the standoff, even interviewed
News4 in Reno, NV:

He also made a few rambling videos that he posted to YouTube. He made the one below for his wife just before he reported to jail last summer. In the video, he sobs about how much he'll miss her and thanks her for always bringing a smile to his face, no matter
"how crabby of a mood he's in because of the New World Order":

Another bizarre video starts with roughly a minute of his cats and then moves onto a
rant about drones and big government: