Okay folks - this has never been attempted before.
Here's our table @ Spitzer's Corner, to my left:

L to R: gchaucer2, sidnora, thankgodforairamerica, joanbrooker, dave g, kathny
And to my right:

Plf515, Laura Clawson, mets102, son of broccoli, Communitygis, no exit, designthefuture, mattc129
Please just play along with me, folks - I'm only doing this because I'm too nervous to interact with all these DFH's in "meatspace" - and I need an excuse to be on my computer. Lol.
Guest writer TBD in a few minutes, along with photo updates!
Happy Sunday, everybody. :)
Update 1:
Mets102's mom's new kidney is functioning properly! Yayy!
More to come...xoxo stay tuned for updates from other attendees! Wheeee
Guest diarist #1: mattc129:
Talking about what will happen when Millennials start running for office. Will the general public care about our online paper trails, or will it no longer matter since we all will have potentially compromising stuff online?
Now talking about needing a national healthcare system separated from employment. Much more entrepreneurial risk could happen that way.
Guest diarist #2: sidnora:
At least four different conversations going at once, and I'm on the border between two of them. Young people not only don't care about who marries who, but they can't even understand why anyone else would. On the other side: Israel. And an acknowledgement of how complex that situation is.
10:55 AM PT (Laura Clawson): Meeting Eric Lewis for the first time, and gchaucer2, as well as hanging with people I know from past meetups like sidnora, the former Upper West, and plf515.
Okay, Laura Clawson just did that without my having to set her up in this post! She was like, "Oh, no need, I can get in there. It's an administrative thing..." Jeez - NSA much, Markos??? Lolz just kidding. I just finally had the courage to introduce myself to Laura (thanks to this diary, which I said she should write in), and she is TERRIFIC! Yayy.
Guest Diarist #4: rubyr:
We are here with the most gorgeous group of DKOS people. So much fun!
And, the food is fab! Eat your hearts out! Wish everyone was here! Talk. Talk. Talk.
Guest Diarist #5: dave g:
This is my first meetup ever. What a pleasure it is to meet so many wonderful, fascinating, and like-minded people!
Guest Diarist #6: kathny:
Live from New York it's Sunday afternoon!! Having a fab time w the NY crew. Subjects discussed so far at this end of the table include...Chris Christie, gay marriage, Connecticut politics, life in a convent, Chris Christie, the opera, Animal Nuz, and on! Such a terrific, interesting group of people. Love these meet ups. Thanks Sidnora!!!
Guest Diarist #7: joanbrooker:
Live from Spitzer's. Some controversy about who is really Eric's fiancé. Gchaucer2 has some competition. Vote will be taken in one hour.
Update from dave g:
Why is everyone talking about Christie? Did I miss something?
Guest Diarist #8: MBNYC:
What on God's green earth am I doing with these misfits? Hmm...
Close your eyes, lay back and think of England. There, much better.
But over here in the real world, these folks are some of my best friends, smart, kind and funny. There is no seriousness at this table, only profound human warmth, and when you think about it, it doesn't really get any better than that.
Unless it involves significantly fewer clothes and more drugs, that is :-)
Update from MBNYC:
Pfft. Mention various states of undress and, suddenly, inexplicably, the company dwindles. Weak. Eric, of course, is fleeing in panic or despair, pick your poison; he knows, fears, that I will expose to the world that he, wait for it, once thought 'Citizen Kane' was a pirate movie.
No, seriously, he confessed that. And it is hereby... exposed. Can you imagine? Yes, you're absolutely right, shocking. Shameful illiteracy. Scandalous.
Har. Snicker. Snort. No, the stick, don't even try, I'm faster than you. Ow!
Love you, Eric, and in closing: Diamonds... are a girl's best friend.
9:38 pm ET Final Update:
Thanks, everybody, for participating in this highly experimental, hastily put-together post! Could Meetup Liveblogs become a thing? Here's what other people are saying...
From the comments:
"Oh, this is so great!" -navajo