This is why America can't have nice things. Like, say, children who are alive.
[Radio host Alan Colmes]: So [teachers] shouldn’t have machine guns?
[South Carolina Senate candidate Lee Bright]: I would think a teacher protecting a school grounds should be able to carry whatever she can carry legally.
COLMES: So should machine guns be legal to carry?
BRIGHT: The Second Amendment is pretty clear. It says the right to carry arms should not be infringed. [...]
COLMES: So you should be able to have any gun you want?
BRIGHT: Well, I don’t see how the government can regulate it.
South Carolina state Sen. Lee Bright, a RepublicanOfCourse, is mounting a primary challenge to insufficiently conservative Sen. Lindsey Graham. He wants high schoolers to learn how to use guns in school, and doesn't think the damn gubbermint has a right to tell you whether or not you can bring your own personal grenade launcher or futuristic death robot to school if you feel like that sort of thing. You know, Freedom.
We are a very odd country. Perhaps this new obsession with guns is our way of reliving the Cold War, back when the only possible defense was an existentially punishing offense; a certain segment of society now applies the same rhetoric, and the same logic, to their battles against crime, their battles against the gubbermint, even their battles against the local library system or theater or elementary school.
When it comes to the Second Amendment, a wide swath of America really does consider it to be a suicide pact.