Glenn Grothman, so loony even Republicans are shunning him
We've already made a pretty compelling case that Glenn Grothman is the craziest Republican running for Congress this year, but here's another strong piece of evidence for our argument: Retiring Rep. Tom Petri, a fellow member of the GOP who represents Wisconsin's 6th District, is refusing to endorse Grothman to succeed him. Could it be because Grothman took a huge dump on Petri?
"Why would I endorse a person who has said that if in two years people said he was 'just like Petri' he would be insulted?" Petri said. "I don't want to smother him with love or anything like that."
Yep, probably! Petri was one of the last remaining moderates (or at least, what passes for a moderate these days) in the Republican caucus; Grothman, on the other hand, would probably make Louie Gohmert look reasonable at least one day a week. Probably Saturdays: Grothman is famous for wanting to
eliminate weekends, and I'm going to guess that even the nuttiest teanut in Congress still enjoys those.
Petri, meanwhile, clings to a bygone sense of bipartisanship, do you can understand why Grothman wants nothing to do with Petri—and why the feeling is mutual. Indeed, Petri complimented Grothman's Democratic opponent, Winnebago County Executive Mark Harris, saying he'd done "a fine job" in his current post. Petri also took a back-handed jab at Grothman by encouraging his constituents to attend debates—which Harris has happily participated in but Grothman has refused to attend.
That's because Grothman's handlers know that his incendiary mouth can only get him in trouble. In fact, they've insisted that reporters only send questions to the campaign by email!
Let's smother Mark Harris with love! Give him $3 to help him make sure the public knows just how nuts Glenn Grothman is!
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But no matter how hard Grothman tries to hide, he can't erase his lunacy from the public record: Harris
is running strong ads that showcase Grothman's most bizarre rantings. As the saying goes, crazy will out, but Harris needs our help to make that happen.