This public records request from American Bridge PAC to the office of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in response to his "sit down and shut up" bluster during an event in New Jersey on Wednesday is pretty funny:
To Whom It May Concern,
The following request is being made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.) and all other New Jersey open record laws.
At an event commemorating the two year anniversary of super-storm Sandy on October 29, 2014, Governor Christie claimed “I've been here when the cameras weren’t here and did the work [on Sandy recovery]”
We respectfully request a list of all trips to which Christie was referring - specifically trips to the Jersey Shore to work on Sandy recovery, where no “cameras” – from the media or the Governor’s office – were in attendance to record the event. [...]
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
context: A New Jersey resident confronted Christie at a public event and accused Christie of being more interested in grandstanding than finishing recovery efforts, at which point Christie told him to "sit down and shut up," saying:
I'll be more than happy to have a debate with you anytime you like, guy, because somebody like you doesn’t know a damn thing about what you're talking about except to stand up and show off when the cameras are here. I've been here when the cameras aren't here, buddy, and done the work.
Not a bad line, though it is ironic that it was delivered for the cameras. And now, with this public records request, we'll find out if it wasn't just another bout of hot air from Christie.
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