What, you thought I'd miss Stephen's last week?  |
Tonight on TDS, Jon's got Some Guy with A Movie Or Something; and on TCR it's Stephen!!!!! and Some Other Guy with Something or Other. |
Not quite sure what I'll post this week, but when I asked your valiant host pgm 01 if he had anything planned, he said "Kinda-sorta, but the chaos of life is picking on me, so, y'know, go ahead and do whatever" (paraphrase). So maybe he'll come up with a thing that Has To Be Seen, and maybe I'll come up with that glorious encomiumor paean or whatever, or maybe we'll each post some gifs.

Our friends at ColbertNewsHub have assorted guest details for the week, should you be so inclined. The overview:
Stephen’s guests this week are an actor, a musician, a writer, and the Grim Reaper. Jon’s are a director, a musician, an actress, and a comedian.

Life-chaos has been picking on me lately too (as, um,
you may have seen. And, um, major thanks). Most recently, my building/landlord are (finally!) re-painting/repairing water damage to all the windows, about which, yay -- but I have to be up at dawn, and dressed for the day and everything. And actually stay awake all day long. Not to mention all the extra cat-coddling. Plus, I still don't have cable, so I have to wait to watch the shows online tomorrow (a thing to do while watching the paint dry). So this is a post-and-run, but I'll go through the comments tomorrow (another thing to do while watching paint dry).

And... I think I've run out of things to say. My other online persona exhausted all my words today, but that me is all about the music, so enjoy:

Also, just FYI: I'm keeping that account gender-neutral (and not explicitly partisan), just to smooth things out. 'Cause, y'know, jerks.
(gifs giffed by stevemcqueened.tumblr.com
Also take note:
Comedy Central will air a marathon of classic episodes of “The Colbert Report” from throughout the show’s nine year history from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. ET/PT on Thursday, December 18.