Good morning, and it's February! Welcome to Saturday Morning Garden Blogging.
Denver's weather has been a colder re-play of the weather of the last several weeks: last weekend we were in the upper 50s; Monday and Tuesday were cold and we had a couple of inches of snow, before going back to the 50s on Wednesday. Thursday afternoon it got cold again and we had another couple of inches of snow. And now it's going to stay cold for a few days — with, perhaps, a little more snow.
We are a go on having the 9th Anniversary Edition of Saturday Morning Garden Blogging being a fundraising opportunity for local elections.
So we need the garden bloggers to spread the word through all corners of dKos: kosmail the group before by Thursday, February 20, with some information about your candidate, the position being sought, and a link to a donation page. I'd really appreciate it if you could put it in ready-to-plug-in format so I can just do a copy and paste into the diary — and you can encourage your candidate to come and participate.
I've sent kosmails to navajo, mcjoan, Meteor Blades, David Nir and BiPM to help us get the word out.
As I put it in last week's diary:
It is a mid-term election year and now — during the subdued primary process — is our chance to get not just Democrats, but more progressive Democrats, into our state, county or municipal offices.
Call it planting the seeds for a harvest next November.
Many times newcomers to dKos can't quite figure out why we have all these groups for gardening and home repair and crafting and painting and books: this is a site for politics!
Let's show them why community matters: at the most basic level without community there is no purpose to politics and it becomes nothing more than a scrim behind which factions scramble in a zero-sum game for short-lived political advantage.
That's what's happening here. What's going on in your gardens?