I like to think that we are not simply lab rats who stand on two feet.
I like think that presented with something that looks GOOD, we will take that little extra moment to consider if it is ACTUALLY good or if its good-i-itude is simply because we want it so badly.
I like to think that we care about accuracy and integrity and smarts.
I LIKE to think that and then... today happens.
There's a diary on the rec list that is BULLSHIT.
Utter and complete crap.
And its fairly easy to figure out that it is dung.
One google search into the article itself and the publication it came from and you'll know... satire.
Try... say... clicking on the site's homepage.
Really? That pass your smell test?
But the diary is on the rec list because, like actual lab rats, a bunch of folk saw the sugary treat behind the glass and hit the button over and over and over again.
See! We told you!
See! We were right!
See! See! See!
And what's particularly galling about that diary being on the rec list is that JUST TWO DAYS ago we had a big har-de-har-har about the sherif who cited the "38 people overdosed on marijuana the first day it was legalized" Daily Current article.
We mocked and derided, with a ton of "How fucking stupid can a person be?"
And then... two days later... we are them.
WANTING things to be true... WANTING to be right... WANTING to be justified is not the same as things actually being true and right and justified.
Especially, because the lab rat is often not sophisticated enough to STOP hitting the button once they become (vaguely) aware that what they're being offered is not merely sugar, which will make them fat, but cocaine, which will end their lives.