To be fair, she is saying what every tea party republican wants to say but can't because they are running for election this year....:
Fred phelps was hated for speaking the truth about the militant homosexual. The militant homosexual is no friend of God, and no friend of America. I'm not saying I agreed with Fred's methods, I'm just saying I agreed with Fred.
Michelle Bachmann, Fox News, 3/20/14
Couple things...
What the fuck is a militant homosexual? (I guess she likes her homosexuals more passive, like her husband)
Second, what the fuck is wrong this this woman?
Who would praise a man who PICKETS military funerals! Says thanks for IEDs and 9/11.
MOCKED the dead children of Sandy Hook and tried to harass the parents.
Go fuck yourself, Michelle. And take your racist, twisted, un-American and hateful tea party with you.
The last thing I'll say is that the GOP has a rage machine that twists the words of any Democratic politician and beats it to death on hate radio, Fox, etc. Yet when the GOP CONGRESS people say horrible things IN CONTEXT about something extremely repulsive that actually represents their whole twisted philosophy... NO ONE bothers to cover it.
The media just rolls its eyes and says "That's soooo Palin" or "That's our Michelle" and is completely ignored.
I don't know... maybe let's do a fucking better job at NOT LETTING those asshats get away with crap like this.
Thank you.