What's that sound? Dashed Republican hopes, falling to the ground. Our friend Brainwrap/Charles Gaba
calls it again. He estimated that the official enrollments in Obamacare could hit the 6 million mark today, the goal the Obama administration set, and
they did.
More than six million Americans have now signed up for private insurance under the Affordable Care Act, according to a White House official, with just four days to go until the end of its first open enrollment period.
While traveling in Italy on Thursday, President Obama shared the news in a conference call with thousands of health-care navigators and volunteers helping enroll people on state and federal marketplaces, said the official, who asked not to be identified because the numbers had not been formally announced.
As the volume of consumers seeking health plans has surged—there were over 1.5 million visits to HealthCare.gov Wednesday and more than 430,000 calls to the marketplaces' call centers—Obama urged those on the call to work even harder to get individuals covered.
HealthCare.gov received
1.1 million visitors on March 24 alone. People have until midnight
SundayMonday, March 31 to begin their applications, then will have two weeks to complete them.
The Republican response to the news is, well, incoherent.

Boehner on ACA enrollment numbers: This report is a symbol of the failure of the president’s health care law. It is a rolling calamity..
— @ChadPergram
That's more than 6 million private health insurance policies you want to repeal, Mr. Boehner. Good luck.