It does indeed appear that the three (or, lets face it, with Kindee Durkee, four) Democratic scandals in recent California legislature memory are having a frosty effect on the State's status as a Democratic stronghold.
In poll released Saturday, the Golden State's Field Poll found that nearly unknown Republican Ashley Swearengin is leading two better known Democratic candidates in the race for State Controller, indicating that Democratic status is not an automatic advantage in a Statewide race.
This follows the equally chilling news from the Field folks of just last Thursday indicating that views of the Democratic controlled California Legislature have turned towards the declining. The Legislature enjoyed a long, protracted reputation enhancement from bottoming in September 2010 at an astonishing 10% approval rating. According to Field, the climb back to respectability peaked the week before the arrest of State Senator Leland Yee.
Research wonks know that Field polls are live on phone interviews with a realistic ratio of cells to landlines. The poll does then weight its data in a way that is shrouded from consumer view.