Another American WTF.
A man carrying a gun began stalking a children's baseball game in Forsyth County, Ga, this past Tuesday night. It's reported that at least twenty-two 911 calls were made mostly by parents fearing for the safety of their children. The game was halted, but the sheriff said they could do nothing - the man was within his legal limits. reports:
"He's just walking around [saying] 'See my gun? Look, I got a gun and there's nothing you can do about it.' He knew he was frightening people. He knew exactly what he was doing," said parent Karen Rabb.
The Forsyth County sheriff, Duane Piper said:
"We support the constitutional right to bear arms. We will not tolerate bad behavior," said Forsyth Sheriff Duane Piper.
You just did, Sheriff Piper, you 'tolerated' this man's bad behavior by not taking any action. Is this country so fearful of the NRA, that they do not dare arrest, detain, or at minimum question this man for disturbing the peace, stalking children, and/or intentionally putting the public in fear for their lives? I'm not an attorney. It seems there would be some law out there that would at least give cause to question this man.
The aforementioned parent, Karen Rabb, says she is a gun rights advocate:
"I own a gun. I have no problems with the Second Amendment. But they do not belong in a parking lot where we have children everywhere. If you want to make a statement, go to the Capitol."
Oh really? Go to the Capitol and do what? Sorry, not a solution. This will continue, and more people will die. This will continue, until laws are changed. This will continue, until both gun rights advocates and gun safety advocates get together and find a compromise.
There is one organization that offers solutions: Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America is a very successful non-partisan organization that, for years, has persistently been fighting for gun safety.