This morning the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
called in San Antonio police to arrest activists trying to make their voice heard at The National Organic Standards Board (
NOSB) meeting. Right now one of the biggest assaults on the integrity of organic foods is taking place at the USDA that has ever been conceived, with high-level Obama political appointees working behind the scenes with giant corporate organic to gut 20 years of precedent in the congressionally-mandated National Organic Standards Board.
This National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting was already set to be contentious, with a strong show of force by organic farmers and consumer activists, but earlier this morning, organic activist Alexis Baden Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association was arrested after leading a spirited protest of the imminent watering down of organic standards by the USDA employees and corporate organic interests.
That's right, the Obama USDA called in local San Antonio police to arrest organic activists who dared to stand up for organic integrity earlier this morning.
Even worse, USDA representative Miles McEvoy has illegally taken over the meeting by appointing himself as meeting “co-chair” in an effort to erode the authority of, and control the decisions made by allegedly independent, NOSB members as spelled out in the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990.
At stake here is the neutering of an independent NOSB decision making process and the deliberate destruction of organic integrity by allowing synthetic ingredients to be permanently allowed in organic foods due to pressure from giant corporate organic interests.
Sign a letter to President Obama and Secretary Vilsack asking them to stop power grab by corporate interests!