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As this LA Times article lays out, an unholy alliance of the Koch Brothers, ALEC, Grover Norquist and utility companies is mounting a nationwide effort to roll back states' renewable energy requirements and penalize solar customers with a hefty monthly surtax. Apparently all that stuff about cutting taxes and drowning government in a bathtub goes out the window when profits are threatened.
Not all conservatives are on board, though. It's safe to say that taxing solar panels isn't sitting well with off-the-grid Tea Party types. in Arizona, Barry Goldwater Jr. is leading an effort called Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed, or TUSK, stating that "Monopoly utilities want to extinguish the independent rooftop solar market in America to protect their socialist control of how we get our electricity." That's an interesting way of putting it, reminding me a little of my "corporate collectivism" cartoon from a few weeks ago.
On an unrelated note, ABC/Yahoo News recently did a nice video segment about my Herblock win. If you want to see me talking on TV (well, TV on the internet), check it out. And feel free to add a comment, as the ones that are there are on the barbaric side.
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