Received this e-mail today from Shenna Bellows' (D. ME) U.S. Senate campaign:
Yesterday, Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced a bill that allows college graduates to lower their outstanding student loan rates. This law would alleviate the burden that so many working people face.
We're partnering with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Senators, and Senate candidates across the country to hold local media events where people with student debt will speak out. By elevating the voices of those most affected by student debt, we're making Warren's proposal a key issue on the campaign trail.
Do you agree with Senator Warren on this issue? Sign the petition supporting her bill below.
PETITION TO CONGRESS: We support Elizabeth Warren's proposal to let Americans lower their outstanding student loan rates.
Sign here.
We'll display your petition signature and thousands of others at our local media event tomorrow at Bowdoin College. At this press conference, Shenna Bellows and Maine residents saddled with student debt will speak out in favor of this bill.
An outpouring of public support will show the media and Congress that student debt is a key issue to voters -- and a key campaign issue in 2014.
Add your name to show your support for giving college graduates a fighting chance.
Thanks for standing with the next generation.
- Team Shenna
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