"I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."
“We can hope for peace. We must, however, prepare for war. We face an enemy that is not only well funded, but who believe they fight for freedom and justice.”
Insanely enough, these two quotes are NOT from the same deranged mind. The first is from
Bobby Jindal's keynote address at a Faith and Freedom Coalition event. The second is from the Facebook page of Jerad Miller, one of the self-styled revolutionaries who gunned down two Las Vegas cops early this month, draping a Gadsden ("Don't Tread On Me") flag - a symbol used by the Tea Party - over their bodies. A week prior, another anti-government "revolutionary", Dennis Marx, attempted to shoot his way into a Georgia courthouse in an effort to take hostages. He was killed in the attempt.
It should give any sane person pause when a sitting governor's speech sounds eerily like the manifesto of anti-government domestic terrorists. But this is pretty much what today's conservatives are reduced to. Ginning up fear and resentment, hoping to maintain the illusion that we're a "center-right" nation.
More from Jindal's address...
"I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them. The left is trying to silence us, and I'm tired of it. I won't take it anymore."
This is the language conservatives like Jindal, Palin, hate-radio jocks like Limbaugh, and FOX News use to convince their mentally unstable minions that they're victims. That they're being threatened by some liberal secular agenda. And when one of their minions goes off the deep end and we have a cop killed, an abortion doctor murdered, or a congresswoman severely wounded, their response is, "Who, me?" "I'm not responsible for how people react to what I say." "How should I know how people respond to my rhetoric?" Except, they DO know how people respond to it. In fact, they're COUNTING on it.
The scary truth is the big talkers on the right are hoping for an armed rebellion. They feel they are at war with not only the government, but against the rest of the country that's pretty much left them behind. They simply don't want to get their hands dirty. So they use language like "second amendment remedies" and painting cross-hairs on the faces of politicians they hate in hopes of inspiring the less stable among their ranks to take violent action. Our be-knighted, hopelessly lazy, mainstream media will try and convince us that "both sides are the same." However, I defy them (or FOX News) to point to one incident in the 8 years of the Bush presidency where anyone on the left ever said anything about rebellion, secession, second amendment revolutions, or anything approaching armed standoffs with the government. This kind of self-pittying, self-victimizing, fear-mongering call to anger is exclusive to the right-wing nut-jobs that comprise the base of the Republican Party.
When the next government stand-off happens, the media would do well to remember Jindal's speech when they ask "why?"
Updated: Just for some spelling errors. H/T to commenters for the heads-up.