Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin told right-wing conservatives at Friday's Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. that she wants to bring truth to "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue"
The lies that they tell about you. Calling you the intolerant ones, the haters, the bigots. Oh, and that disgusting charge of being racist. I’m speaking to the most slandered group in America today. Join me in telling the lamestream media then that we wear your scorn with pride. The lies that you tell about us, well you can’t defeat our arguments, so all you can do is change the subject, so we win.
And pulling that race card, pulling the race card, how much longer they’re gonna. It’s not even smart. It’s not even smart when one simply wants our government to live within its means and to not tax us to and beyond death. Not to mortgage our kids future, and that being for today’s selfish wants. Because of that we’re racists? Well what isn’t isn’t smart is trying to slap that on Col. Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, and JC Watts, and Raphael and Ted Cruz, and my husband Todd Palin. Yeah, no those truly prejudiced folks just remember this. They scream racism just to end debate. Well, don’t retreat. You reload with truth which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway.
At least we won't ever have to worry about Palin showing up to start a brawl at the White House..
.she doesn't even know where it is.
H/T to Right Wing Watch for the video.