Couldn't happen to a nicer guy
Former executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party and all-around awful human being, Todd Kincannon, was arrested a couple of weeks ago for
criminal domestic violence.
An arrest warrant alleges Kincannon was driving on St. Andrews Road and Harbison Boulevard near Irmo when the pair began to argue. At that point, Griffith said she rolled her window down to yell at passing motorists for help while she pleaded for Kincannon to stop the car.
Kincannon, according to the incident report, began speeding through traffic, but eventually stopped the car at the Chick-Fil-A on Harbison Boulevard. Griffith told deputies that she tried to exit the vehicle in the parking lot, but Kincannon grabbed Griffith's arm in order to prevent her from leaving.
At that point, according to the incident report, Griffith began to hit Kincannon until he sped up the car in an effort to prevent her from leaving the vehicle. The report continues, and says Griffith then dialed 911 so the dispatcher could hear Kincannon. A short time later, the report says, Kincannon saw a patrol car and "freaked out." Kincannon then told Griffith that he would drive their car into a concrete barrier if the police got involved, the report says.
Kincannon's wife testified on his behalf but the judge did not believe her testimony.
Kincannon, according to the report, had also threatened to kill himself, Griffith, and her family. The report says Griffith told deputies she has several recorded threats of suicide and homicide from Kincannon.
"It should be noted Ashely was trembling as she wrote her statement," the report said.
You may remember Kincannon from his twitter feed:
"Unhinged" comes to mind.
You might remember his
thoughts on ebola. (He wanted ebola victims executed).
Or his thoughts on transgender people. (He thought they should be put in "camps.")
Or his strangely racist and homophobic and drunken tweets during the superbowl. (WARNING: a lot of triggers)
Something is very wrong and angry and mean deep down inside of Mr. Kincannon. Hopefully he can get the help he needs and his loved ones can find the piece of mind they surely desire.