After multiple attacks over the last several weeks, via
misleading videos, Planned Parenthood is now being attacked online. Extremist hackers shut down the home page several times on Wednesday. At this time, the page is still not functioning properly. Here is Planned Parenthood's
Facebook post/page addressing the website attack.
Well, this is a new low. Today, anti-abortion extremists briefly blocked any traffic from going to— a site that 200,000 people count on every day for health info and services. If it wasn't clear that these attacks are an attempt to cut people off from care, an attack on the PP website makes it CRYSTAL clear. If you have a few bucks, please help PP fight back:
As a
Pro-Choice Liberal Christian mother who fully supports Planned Parenthood, I can't imagine America without this healthcare provider. The organization was there for my family, my friends, and myself when I was a teen, and they are still there now for hundreds of thousands. Americans will not allow this organization to be shut down. Anti-choice extremists either know little about the organization or refuse to acknowledge these facts:
1.Planned Parenthood provides health care, education, information, and outreach to more than 5 million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year. They provide nearly 400,000 Pap tests and nearly 500,000 breast exams each year - critical services in detecting cancer.
2. Planned Parenthood offers the following services for men: colon, prostate, and testicular cancer screenings, condoms, vasectomies, male infertility screenings, and referrals.
3. Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including 700,00 HIV tests.
4. Eighty-four percent of Planned Parenthood health care clients in the U.S. are age 20 and older. One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.
5. Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention, and their services help prevent approximately 516,000 unintended pregnancies each year.
6. Only three percent (3%) of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.
Over the years, this organization has helped to prevent millions of abortions, yet are continuously called 'baby killers.' This fight is not about saving babies. It's about extremist men trying to control women, their bodies, and their futures. And that is unacceptable. To make a secure donation to Planned Parenthood, here is the direct
Planned Parenthood Donation Page or call
1-800-230-PLAN. Many thanks to the millions of men and women who continue to support Planned Parenthood as well as companies and organizations now subject to
a boycott spearheaded by the Koch Brothers/Tea Party groups. This is one more vicious, insidious, calculated attack in the very real
war against women.
Benedictine nun, Sister Joan D. Chittister, O.S.B., best explains the true agendas of anti-choice, so-called 'pro-life' Republican lawmakers:
"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."
Planned Parenthood Donation Page
Special thanks to Anonymous for the work they have done in the past to help protect women's rights. Hoping they're with us now.