Religious freedom
My Daddy grew up a fire and brimstone, Southern Baptist, my the staunch and stoic Church of Christ. When I was a young child, my family wasn't affiliated with any church. Thankfully my parents had gotten away from either church before the brainwashing and indoctrination of their young children could take place. Now,for some unknown reason,when I was around ten,my Mother decided that we all needed to "start back to church",as she called it. Oh, don't get me wrong,I had been to church...many times.My Grandparents ( Church of Christ ) took me and my two sisters on every occasion that they could. My Aunt ( Southern Baptist ) took us with her innumerable times but, my parents,sisters and myself did not have a church of our own until the religion bug bit my Mother again. We started going to a Church of Christ in town. We went to Sunday morning services,Sunday school,revival...the whole nine yards. My Father even said that he believed in some of the teachings of the CoC! That little revelation unnerved my Aunt, his sister. My family though ,for the most part,got along well despite their differences.Even though I dutifully went to church whenever my Mama said " go ", I was never forced to believe in any certain way. My parents allowed us to question, contemplate and make our own decisions.
As it stands today,I have no religious affiliations, nor do I wish to have any. I've had more than one occasion to dislike and distrust the clergy but,that's for another day.
I love that I live in a country that was founded on religious freedom.We desperately need to get back to those ideals. I'm grateful that I have parents who believe in my right to choose what is best for me. I'm grateful to people like elenacarlena ,through her, I now know that January 16 is National Religious Freedom Day, in commemoration of Virginia's adoption of the Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. The statute was written by Thomas Jefferson. Imagine...a day we can celebrate not having someone else s religious beliefs shoved down our throats,while enjoying the freedom to believe ( or not to believe ) any way we choose! But, just one day ? I want a month, a year. a lifetime of being able to choose! Isn't that the principles this country was founded on ? While it's great that everyone recognizes this important day, I think we should be able to celebrate it EVERYDAY without fear or repercussions from the powers that be. Thank you Frederick Clarkson and elenacarlena for enlightening everyone on this wonderful day!