I like Bill but I find this a little baffling.
Starting at about 3:32 of the video above, he says this:
This may surprise you, but I am not a big fan of Rush Limbaugh. However, if you're one of the people with a website devoted to making him go away, you are part of the problem. And ironically, you're not even a proper liberal, because you don't get free speech. You're just a baby, because you can't stand to live in a world where you hear things that upset you.
I know it does sound rather childish to put it like this, but it seems to me that Bill is the one who doesn't "get free speech," if this is what he thinks it means. Simply put, free speech means that the state, i.e., the government, i.e., the law, has to tolerate whatever an individual citizen has to say (other than threats, perjury, &c.). It doesn't mean that individual citizens have to tolerate whatever any other individual citizen has to say. And it certainly doesn't mean that they have to [literally] buy it, or that they can't use their economic and political power -- not to mention their own free speech -- to push back and curtail intolerable speech.
What's perplexing about this is that one of Bill's all-time best quotes can be found here, at about 4:22:
Don't get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.
What Bill is saying in the first clip above is that we
have to tolerate intolerance, and if we don't then we're not "proper liberal[s]."
I love your stuff, Bill, but please make up your mind. Must we tolerate intolerance or not?