I am a strong Hillary supporter. I am not a Wall Street Banker, or part of the wealthy upper class. I make 12/hr and work as a landscaper. I have made several small donations to Hillary Clinton. I want Bernie Sanders supporters to stop attacking Hillary and start attacking Republicans. I am tired of reading posts by self-righteous Sanders supporters who say they refuse to support Hillary, ever.
I personally benefitted form the recent Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage. This ruling was made possible by the election of Obama and his two liberal appointments to the Supreme Court. Has Obama been perfect? no!, Has he accomplished what he promised he would?, no! However, the legalization of gay marriage and enacting Obama care ARE big deals to those of us who benefitted from those accomplishments. Does Obama care go far enough? no! But it is a step in the right direction.
It is naïve to think Bernie Sanders won't end up accepting support form wealthy individuals or PACS if he wins the nomination. Remember, Barrack Obama reluctantly accepted those types of donations. The reality is that President Bernie Sanders will not accomplish his promises either. Why, because the Republicans have an over-whelming majority in Congress. The central and southern US are not Portlandia or New Hampshire. I doubt Bernie's politics will appeal to swing voters in the mid-west or south. I don't believe voters in these areas will suddenly start voting for Democrats for Congress. The people in these areas value hard work and paying your own way. They will react to proposals for free college education with "there is no such thing as a free lunch"
I am so dis-heartened by the attacks against Hillary by ideological purists that I am starting to consider with-holding my support from Sanders if he wins the primary. I have never done this in the past. I initially supported Hillary in 2008, but switched to Obama. I never once considered with-holding my support from Obama, but his supporters didn't attack Hillary to the same degree as Sander's supporters. I wish Sander's supporters would use the same tactics as Bernie himself. I am seriously considering withholding my support from Sanders if he wins the nomination. I will either write in Hillary or vote for a third party candidate.