Dear Republican voters, Republicans are laughing at you to your face. They make a big thing out of free market economy, laissez-faire economy. But what they really want is no government interference. No accountability, freedom to do anything they want. Freedom to manipulate, freedom to cheat, freedom to steal, freedom to circumvent laws and guidelines in every arena. How do we know this is true? We know because of something that they do, that they don't even bother to hide. We know because of their political actions. They use a nearly endless series of tricks to win political elections. Citizens United, gerrymandering, many different kinds of voter suppression, all for the sake of rigging elections, of stealing them. More below, but first, a word from our sponsor ...
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The last thing they want to do is win elections on their merits, in other words, because the political market decided their ideas were the better ones. It's why they never talk about their own ideas for solving problems. All they do is criticize Democrats, focus on their mistakes, and never suggest solutions using specifics to solve problems. Their challenge is winning elections, never serving the people, never serving the country. But how do we know that they are laughing at you to your face? We know because they use every trick in the book to win elections other than providing competitive solutions for our great problems. If they truly believed in a free market for political ideas that's the last thing they would do. They don't even try to hide it. Why not? Because they believe so strongly in your stupidity that you would never notice their cheating, their manipulations. They do it right out in the open. And the one thing they are more certain of is that you won't suspect that they cheap the same way in business. They want you to believe that the market functions freely. But they manipulate that just as callously as they do the political market. Look at their politics. Money is more important than people. More correctly, THEIR money is much more important than YOU are. They know that you will listen to their words, not examine their actions and behavior. They know they can easily dupe you into looking at Democrats, instead, as they have trained you. They owe you no truth, they owe you and plan to deliver no service. All they plan to do is validate your hatreds and bigotries, your hatred of enablers, when they know that, with your votes, you are the stupidest, most flagrant enablers of all. In giving them, who deserve it least, your loyalty, your servitude and your thoughtless votes. In the history of the modern world, to my knowledge, there has never been a party less invested in serving the people, in serving the society. And you can see it - if you'll only look past the Web of FoxNews lies and deceptions - in their patently obvious undermining of what they claim is their highest political truth, the free market. By their egregious and total failure to engage in the work of addressing our society's real problems. In their cowardice, they never even pretend to compete in the political marketplace of ideas. They pander to bigotry, hatred, racism, to fears, to the deepest economic jealousies, that they cultivate and reinforce constantly, without ever making alternative proposals. They have every faith in your ability to be manipulated by their approach. They have every faith that you will never see through their simple smokescreens. They have every faith in your lack of intelligence, your lack of simple critical thinking and in your lack of intellectual integrity. Simply, in the history of modern politics, there has never been a political party with more real contempt for its own fan base than the modern Republican Party. Why? Because YOU let them. You enable them. One election after the other. Every day. In every way. While they laugh at your stupidity. While they laugh at your easily bought loyalty and servitude. They laugh because you deserve what you get, and you do not learn from it. Stop it. For the sake of our people, for the sake of our country, for the sake of our children, for the sake of the world. Stop it. Brillig's ObDisclaimer: The decision to publish each nomination lies with the evening's Diarist and/or Comment Formatter. My evenings at the helm, I try reeeeallllyy hard to publish everything without regard to content. I really do, even when I disagree personally with any given nomination. "TopCommentness" lies in the eyes of the nominator and of you, the reader - I leave the decision to you. I do not publish self-nominations (ie your own comments) and if I ruled the world, we'd all build community, supporting and uplifting instead of tearing our fellow Kossacks down.
From *MethuenProgressive* and *saluda*:
In *StarbucksGirl51*'s [ Democrats Swoop In To Take The NBC Debate Slot Republicans Gave Up After CNBC Moderator Tantrum], *earicicle* [ hits the nail on the head]!
Top Mojo for yesterday, November 1st, first comments and tip jars excluded. Thank you *mik* for the mojo magic! For those of you interested in How Top Mojo Works, please see his diary [ FAQing Top Mojo].
1) I agree -- enough of revisionist history. by gooderservice +215 2) Exactly. It was his '96 version of Sister Souljah. by nailbender +183 3) Please support groups who are defending by Denise Oliver Velez +169 4) Fuck you, I got mine.... by SixSixSix +163 5) And just as Hillary's screed about the sanctity by orestes1963 +153 6) What a vile anti-gay speech, by dclawyer06 +143 7) Shorter version: I only want it for myself. by ban48 +125 8) You don't start from a position of compromise by Dallasdoc +121 9) In her own words. by gooderservice +117 10) You cannot serve God and Mammon by freelunch +115 10) Give the billionaires what they want by Dallasdoc +115 12) Giving Them Hell by JekyllnHyde +111 13) I know someone who subscribes to this theory by wilderness voice +99 14) For any sane person from CT, this crap is as sl... by betorah +97 15) Um.... when did he say by KuchiKopi +94 16) The same time he said all the other completely by vinkelhake +90 17) What's happened to the housing market... by sfbob +88 17) Fact: In 1996 Bill Clinton Threw The Gay Community by unapologeticliberal777 +88 19) That Boston Globe article is prettyy prettyy prett by mawnjilla +87 20) The reason I'm a radical. The foundational by Greyhound +84 20) Great diary, thanks. /nt by MichaelHolmans +84 22) You should mention that these Odgaards by Dartagnan +82 23) He said he wouldn't run *negative* ads. by Osaka +81 23) Video by vinkelhake +81 25) It's similar to her current ... by niemann +80 25) Awesome logical fallacy. Impressive. n/t by geebeebee +80 27) The usual plea for a retweet! by LieparDestin +78 28) ..she's like, Ive had occasion to defend marriage by dclawyer06 +77 29) This Ain't Happening Anytime Soon, OPOL by JekyllnHyde +75 29) I really want someone who will fight for people by Tausendberg +75 29) "think of the children." by gooderservice +75
Top Pictures for yesterday, November 1st. Click any picture to be taken to the full comment. Thank you *jotter* for the image magic!
2015-11-01 Top Comments with Pictures