Monday November 6, 1905
From the Montana News: Industrial Workers of the World-Preamble and Constitution
earlier this year, did establish a new labor organization based on the principle of class struggle and industrial unionism. In its October 11th edition, the
, official organ of the Montana Socialist Party, published the Preamble and Constitution of the newly founded Industrial Workers of the World.
Our readers will find the entire text of the "Industrial Union Constitution" republished below the fold.
Industrial Union Constitution
There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common.
Between these two classes a struggle must go on until all the toilers come together on the political, as well as on the industrial field, and take and hold that which they produce by their labor through an economic organization of the working class without affiliation with any political party.
The rapid gathering of wealth and the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands make the trades unions unable to cope with the ever-growing power of the employing class, because the trades unions foster a state of things which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage-wars. The trades unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers.
These sad conditions can be changed and the interests of the interests of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or in all industries, if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all.
Therefore we, the working class, unite under the following
Section 1. This organization shall be known as "The Industrial Workers of the World."
Sec. 2. (a) And shall be composed of thirteen (13) International Industrial Departments, subdivided in industrial unions of closely kindred industries in the appropriate organizations for representation in the departmental administration. The subdivision International and National Industrial Unions shall have complete industrial autonomy in their respective internal affairs, provided the General Executive Board shall have power to control these Industrial Unions in matters concerning the interest of the general welfare.
These departments shall be designated as follows:
Department of the Mining Industry.
Department of the Transportation Industry.
Department of the Metal and Machinery Industry.
Department of the Glass and Pottery Industry.
Department of the Foodstuffs Industry.
Department of the Brewery, Wine and Distillery Industry.
Department of the Floricultural, Stock and General Farming Industries.
Department of the Building Industry.
Department of the Textile Industries.
Department of the Leather Industries.
Department of the Wood-Working Industries.
Department of the Public Service Industries.
Department of the Miscellaneous Manufacturing.
(b) Central Bodies.—Central bodies composed of seven (7) or more local unions in two (2) or more industries and shall be known as Industrial Councils.
(c) Local Unions.—In such industries as are not organized and represented on the General Executive Board.
(d) Individual Members.—In such places where there is not a sufficient number of workers to organize a local union in any industry, by complying with the following Constitution and paying such dues and assessments as may hereinafter be provided for.
Sec. 3. The financial and industrial affairs of each International Industrial Department shall be conducted by an Executive Board of not less than seven (7) nor more than twenty-one (21), selected and elected by the general membership of said International Industrial Department, provided that the Executive Board and general membership of the said International Industrial Department shall at all times be subordinate to the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World, subject to appeal, and provided the expenses of such referendum shall be borne by the International Industrial Departments, of International Industrial Union, or Unions, involved.
Sec. 4. Industrial Councils shall have jurisdiction in local affairs over the unions of which they are composed, but shall at all times be subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World and submit a copy of their constitution to the General Executive Board for approval.
Sec. 5. Local Unions, as provided for in Art. I. Sec. 2 (c), shall be directly subordinate to the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World and a local constitution for their government must be approved by the General Executive Board.
Section 1. The officers of the Industrial Workers of the World shall be: A General President, a General Secretary-Treasurer, and a General Executive Board, composed of the above named officers and one member of each Industrial Department.
Sec. 2. The General President and the General Secretary-Treasurer shall be nominated from the floor of the Convention and the three (3) candidates for each respective office receiving the greater number of votes in the Convention shall be submitted to the general membership of the Organization for election.
Sec. 3. The General President is the Executive Head of the Industrial Workers of the World and its chief Executive Officer. He
shall be nominated and elected as provided for in Art. II , Sec. 2, and shall hold office until his successor is duly elected and installed. He shall preside at all Conventions and meetings of the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World and he shall be only a delegate-at-large to the General Conventions. He shall convene the General Executive Board when, in his judgment, it is to the interest of the Organization, and he shall convene the General Executive Board when requested in writing by a majority of the members of said Board. He shall, upon the written request of one hundred (100) local unions, representing not less than three (3) industries with a total membership of not less than 15,000 members, call a special convention of the Industrial Workers of the World at such time and place as designated by the General Executive Board.
If, in his judgment, the official action of the General SecretaryTreasurer, or a member of the General Executive Board, is detrimental to the best interests of the Organization, he shall make a complaint in writing, setting forth such charges, and shall convene the General Executive Board within ten (10) days to investigate said charges and take action thereon. If the General Executive Board, by a majority vote, sustain and justify the President in making said complaint, they may suspend or expel the member of the General Executive Board, or the Secretary-Treasurer, as the case may be, and shall fill any vacancy that may occur in either office, provided that, in case it is a member of the General Executive Board, his Industrial Department shall be advised of such action and be requested to fill said vacancy within ninety (90)) days, provided the person selected by the General Executive Board shall be empowered to act with like power of any other member of the Board until the Industrial Department shall elect a person to fill the place, who shall immediately be installed in office; but in ease it is the General Secretary Treasurer, the person selected by the General Executive Board shall fill the office until the next General Election, unless removed for cause.
The General President shall have general supervision of the entire affairs of the Organization, watch vigilantly over the interests throughout its jurisdiction. In this he shall be assisted by the officers and members of all organizations subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World. He shall, with the approval of the General Executive Board, appoint such organizers as the condition of the Organization may justify.
All organizers shall at all times work under the instructions of the General President. All organizers, while in the employ of the Industrial Workers of the World, shall report to the General President in writing on blanks provided for that purpose at least once each week. They shall receive as compensation for their services such sum, or sums, as shall be fixed by the General Executive Board.
The General President shall at each General Convention render a report in detail of the work of his office since the last Convention and shall make such recommendations as will, in his judgment, advance the interests of the Organization.
He shall travel throughout the jurisdiction whenever the affairs of the Organization will permit of his doing so and he shall be empowered to examine the books and workings of any Union, or organization, of the Industrial Workers of the World, when able to do so,
for the purpose of determining whether or not the Union, or Organization, is complying with the General Constitution.
He shall be empowered to employ such clerical help as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of his office. The remuneration for clerical help employed by the General President shall be fixed by the General Executive Board.
He shall be held liable for all official acts or documents emanating from his office, whether done personally or by a clerk or stenographer. He shall sign all vouchers drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer and countersign all checks before any monies are drawn from the treasury. He shall devote his entire time to the affairs of the Organization and shall receive as compensation such sum, or sums, as the Convention or General Executive Board may determine.
Sec. 4. The duties of the General Secretary-Treasurer shall be to take charge of all books, papers and effects of the office. He shall be nominated and elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 2, and shall hold office until his successor is duly elected, qualified and installed, except in case he shall be removed from office, when his place shall be filled as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3, under the "Duties of General President."
He shall conduct the correspondence pertaining to his office; he shall be the custodian of the Seal of the Organization and shall attach the same to all official documents over his official signature; he shall provide such stationery and office supplies as are necessary for the conducting of affairs of the Organization; he shall act as Secretary at all meetings of the General Executive Board and all conventions and furnish the Committee on Credentials at each Convention a statement of the financial standing of each International Industrial Department, Industrial Council and Local Union.
The General Secretary-Treasurer shall close his accounts for the fiscal year on the last day of February for each year. He shall make a monthly financial report to the General Executive Board and a quarterly financial report to the general membership, through the General Executive Board, and he shall make a complete itemized report of the financial and other affairs of his office to each Annual Convention.
He shall attest the signature of the General President to all official documents and shall prepare and sign all charters issued by the General Executive Board. He shall receive all monies for charters, dues, assessments and supplies from International Industrial Departments, Industrial Councils, Local Unions and Members-at-Large; he shall receipt for same and care for and deposit all monies as instructed to do by the General Executive Board in some solvent bank, or banks, which shall be drawn out only to pay indebtedness arising out of the due conducting of the business of the Organization, and then, only after bill shall have been first duly presented by the creditor when, in payment thereof, a check shall be drawn and signed by him, after which, he shall present it, together with the bill, to the President for his counter-signature.
For the honest and faithful discharge of his duties he shall give a bond in such sum, or sums, as may be fixed by the Convention or General Executive Board, the bond so given to be approved by the General Executive Board and kept in their custody.
He shall devote his entire time to the affairs of the Organization and shall at all times be under the supervision of the General President and the General Executive Board and shall receive for his services such remuneration as may be fixed by the Convention or the General Executive Board, which shall be paid out of the funds of the Organization in the same manner as is provided for in the payment of other bills and indebtedness.
He shall, with the approval of the General Executive Board, employ such assistance as is necessary to conduct the affairs of his office. Remuneration for such employes shall be fixed by the General Executive Board and paid as other bills and indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided for; he shall convene the General Executive Board as hereinafter provided for in Art. II, Sec. 5.
Sec. 5. The General Executive Board shall be composed of the General President, the General Secretary-Treasurer and one member from each International Industrial Department, as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 1. The General President shall be elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 2, except in case of vacancy, which shall be hereinafter provided for. The General Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 2, except in case of vacancy, when he shall be elected as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3. The other members of the General Executive Board shall be elected by their respective International Industrial Departments, in accordance with their prescribed rules, except in case of a vacancy, when such vacancy shall be filled as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 3, all of whom shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected, qualified and installed.
Immediately upon adjournment of each Convention, the General Executive Board shall convene and designate some one of their members, other than the Secretary-Treasurer, as President pro tem, who shall, in case of emergency, assume the duties of General President until such a time as the General Executive Board can be convened to fill the vacancy in the office of President.
Any member of the General Executive Board may, if in his judgment he finds the official action of the President detrimental to the best interests of the Organization, file a complaint in writing, setting forth such charges. If said complaint is signed by two or more members of the General Executive Board, it shall be filed with the General Secretary-Treasurer, who shall, within ten (10) days after serving a copy of such charges on the President, convene the General Executive Board to hear the case. If the charges are sustained by a majority vote of the General Executive Board, they may suspend or expel the General President from his office, provided that, before the suspension or expulsion of the President be permanent, the question shall be submitted to the entire membership of the Organization and their decision thereon shall be binding and final.
The General Executive Board shall have full power to conduct the affairs of the Organization between conventions and their decision on all matters pertaining to the Organization, or any subordinate part thereof, shall be binding, subject to an appeal to the next convention, or to the entire membership of the Organization, provided that, in case of a referendum vote of the membership is demanded by any subordinate, or sub-department, part of the Organization, the expense of submitting the matter to referendum shall be borne by the Organization taking the appeal, except wherein the decision of the General Executive Board shall be reversed by a vote of the membership; then, the expense shall be borne by the General Organization.
The General Executive Board shall have full power to issue charters to International Industrial Departments, Industrial Councils and Local Unions, as provided for in Art. I, Secs. 2 (a), 2 (b), and 2 (c). They shall also have power to charter and classify unions, or organizations, not herein provided for.
In case the members of any subordinate organization of the Industrial Workers of the World are involved in strike, regularly ordered by the Organization, or General Executive Board, or involved in a lockout, if in the opinion of the President and General Executive Board it becomes necessary to call out any other union, or unions, or organization, they shall have full power to do so.
Any agreement entered into between the members of any Local Union, or organization, and their employers, as a final settlement of any difficulty or trouble which may occur between them, shall not be considered valid or binding until the same shall have the approval of the General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World.
The General Executive Board shall meet twice within a fiscal year to audit the books of the General Secretary-Treasurer and transact such other business as may come before them.
The General Executive Board shall, by a two-thirds vote, have power to levy a special assessment when subordinate parts of the organization are involved in strikes and the condition of the treasury makes such action necessary, but no special assessment shall exceed 50 cents per member in any one month, nor more than six (6) such assessments in any one year, unless the same shall have been approved by a referendum vote of the entire membership, provided that, in case special assessment be levied, the same shall be paid from the treasury of the Local Unions and International Industrial Unions chartered by the Industrial Workers of the World , and provided that, when special assessments are levied for the benefit of Unions, or Organizations, the members directly involved in strike shall be exempt from such assessment.
The General Executive Board shall have full power and authority over the Official Organ and guide its policy. They shall, by a majority vote, elect an Editor, who shall receive such compensation as in the judgment of the General Executive Board is just and proper.
The Editor shall hold his office at the pleasure of the General Executive Board and shall at all times recognize the authority of the General Executive Board over him as Editor of the Official Organ. The Editor may, with the approval of the General Executive Board, employ such help as is necessary to conduct the affairs of his office.
Section 1. The Revenue of the Organization shall be derived as follows: Charter fees for International Industrial Departments shall be $25.00. Charter fees for District Councils and Local Unions shall be $10.00.
Sec. 2. International Industrial Departments shall pay as general dues into the treasury of the Industrial Workers of the World the rate of 8 1-3 cents per month per member; Industrial Councils shall pay a flat rate of $1.00 per month for the Organization; Local Unions shall pay 25 cents per member per month, together with such assessments as may be levied as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 4.
Sec. 3. Individual members may be admitted to membership-at-large in the Organization as provided for in Art. I, Sec. 2 (d), on payment of $2.00 initiation fee and 50 cents per month dues, together with such assessments as may be levied by the General Executive Board as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 4, all of which shall be paid to the General Secretary-Treasurer, provided Members-at-large shall remain such so long as they are outside the jurisdiction of a Local Union subordinate to the General Organization; but on moving within the jurisdiction of a Local Union of the Industrial Workers of the World, or any of its subordinate organizations, they shall transfer their membership from the union-at-large to the Local Union in whose jurisdiction they are employed.
The initiation fee for members of Local Unions, as provided for in Art. I, Sec. 2 (c) and Art. II, Sec. 5, shall be $2.00. The monthly dues shall be 50 cents per month, together with such assessments as may be levied as provided for in Art. II, Sec. 5, provided no part of the initiation fee or dues above mentioned shall be used as a sick or death benefit, but shall be held in the treasury as a general fund to defray the legitimate expenses of the Union.
All International Industrial Unions, subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World, shall charge for initiation fee in their respective Unions not less than $1.50 nor more than $5.00, as in their judgment the conditions will justify.
All International Industrial Departments, subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World, shall collect from the membership of their organization a per capita tax at the rate of 25 cents per member per month, provided that no part of the above mentioned monies shall be used for sick, accident or death fund, but shall be held in the treasury of International Industrial Departments for the purpose of paying the legitimate expenses of maintaining the organizations.
Section 1. The dues received by the General Organization shall be divided as follows: 2 1-3 cents of the 8 1-3 cents per month per member received from International Industrial Departments shall be placed into a defense fund, the remaining 6 cents to be placed into the general fund.
Sec. 2. Five cents of the 25 cents per member per month received from Local Unions paying directly to headquarters will be placed into the defense fund, the balance to be placed into the general fund.
Sec. 3. Individual members receiving membership cards direct from the General Organization shall pay to headquarters 50 cents per month, all of which is to be placed into the defense fund.
Section 1. Whenever a strike has been duly and legally entered upon, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, the General Executive Board shall have power to order payments from the defense fund, for the purpose of conducting the same and supporting those involved, until such strike has been duly and legally declared off by the General Executive Board; but no payments shall be made from the defense fund as donations or contributions, or for any other purpose, except to conduct strikes or lockouts and pay benefits in cases where strikes or lockouts have been duly and legally approved by the General Executive Board.
Sec. 2. Strike Pay and Rates Of.—Strike pay shall not be allowed to strikers until they have, in each separate case, been out on a legalized strike, or are being locked out, for a period exceeding seven (7) consecutive days and the strike allowance after seven consecutive days shall be stipulated and regulated by the General Executive Board and shall be paid only to those who were actually working when the strike or lockout began and who were called out, or their lockout caused by such procedures as are in conformity with the provisions of this Constitution; providing, however, that the General Executive Board may make provisions for those who were not working at the time when the conflict started. This authority may be used to a very limited extent in extraordinary cases only.
Sec. 3. Unions—When Suspended.—All Industrial Departments, Local Unions and individual members of the Industrial Workers of the World that are in arrears for dues and assessments for sixty (60) days, counting from the last day of the month for which reports and remittances are due, shall not be considered in good standing and shall not be entitled to any of the benefits or payments from any funds of this Organization.
Section 1. The Annual Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World shall be held on the first Monday in May of each year at such place as may be determined by previous convention.
Sec. 2. Delegates to the Annual Convention shall be as hereinafter provided for. The General President, the General Secretary-Treasurer and other members of the General Executive Board shall be delegates-at-large with one vote each, but shall not be accredited delegates nor carry the vote of any union or organization.
Sec. 3. Industrial Departments shall have one delegate for the first 4,000, or less, of its members; for more than 4,000 and up to 7,000 members they shall have two delegates; for more than 7,000 and less than 20,000 they shall have three delegates, for more than 20,000 and less than 40,000 members they shall have four delegates; for more than 40,000 members and less than 80,000 members they shall have five delegates; for more than 80,000 and less than 160,000 members they shall have six delegates, and for more than 160,000 members they shall have seven delegates.
Sec. 4. Local Unions, chartered directly by the Industrial Workers of the World, shall have one delegate for 200 members, or less, and one additional delegate for each additional 200, or major fraction thereof.
Sec. 5. When two or more delegates are representing any Local Union, or International Industrial Union or Industrial Department in the Convention, the vote of their respective organization shall be equally divided between such delegates.
Sec. 6. Representation in the Convention shall be based on the National Dues paid to the General Organization for the last six months of each fiscal year and each union and organization entitled to representation in the Convention shall be entitled to one vote for the first fifty (50), of its members and one additional vote for each additional fifty (50) of its members, or major fraction thereof.
Sec. 7. On or before the 10th day of March of each year the General Secretary-Treasurer shall send to each Local Union and Industrial Department credentials in duplicate for the number of delegates they are entitled to in the Convention, based on the national dues for the last six months.
The Unions and International Industrial Departments shall properly fill out the blank credentials received from the General Secretary-Treasurer and return one copy to the General Office not later than April 1st. The other copy shall be presented by the delegate to the Committee on Credentials when the Convention assembles.
See. 8. Delegates to the Convention from Local Unions must have been members in good standing of their Local Union at least six months prior to the assembling of the Convention; provided, their Local Union has been organized that length of time.
Delegates from Industrial Departments, to have a seat in the Convention, must have been members of their Local Union at least six months and of their International Union at least one year; provided it has been organized that length of time.
The expense of delegates attending the Convention shall be borne by their respective organizations.
Sec. 9. Two or more Local Unions in the same locality, with a total membership of 500, or less, may jointly send a delegate to the Convention and the vote of said delegate shall be based on the representation hereinbefore provided for.
See. 10. There must be a Universal Label for the entire Organization. All unions, departments and individual members must procure supplies, such as membership books, official buttons, labels, badges and stamps from the General Secretary-Treasurer, all of which shall be of uniform design.
Sec. 11. There shall be a free interchange of cards between all organizations subordinate to the Industrial Workers of the World, and any Local Union, or International Industrial Union, or Industrial Departments shall accept, in lieu of initiation fee, the paid-up membership card of any recognized labor union or organization.
Section 1. The General Executive Board, or not less than ten (10) locals in at least three (3) industries, may initiate a referendum on any subject to be submitted to the Convention.
Sec. 2. A majority vote cast shall rule in the General Organization and its subordinate parts, except as otherwise provided for in this Constitution.
Sec. 3. None but actual wage workers shall be admitted as members-at-large.
Sec. 4. So soon as there are ten (10) Local Unions with not less than 3,000 members in any one industry the General Executive Board shall immediately proceed to call a Convention of that industry and proceed to organize them as an International Industrial Department of the Industrial Workers of the World.
[Photograph added.]