A woman posting on
mumsnet.com, a website for parents, is finding herself the butt of a lot of jokes this week after posting a plea to help rid schools of the evil dinosaur curriculum:
I'm really concerned about dinosaurs, and I think something needs to be done. The science behind them is pretty flimsy, and I for one do not want my children being taught lies. Did you know that nobody had even heard of dinosaurs before the 1800s, when they were invented by curio-hungry Victorians?
Charles Darwin's later theory of evolution entirely disproved dinosaurs, yet the dinosaur lie was twisted and adapted to try to make it fit. Any proper look at the facts will reveal that dinosaurs simply never existed.
Aside from the educational aspect, dinosaurs are a very bad example for children. At my children's school, several children were left in tears after one of their classmates (who had evidently been exposed to dinosaurs), became bestially-minded and ran around the classroom roaring and pretending to be a dinosaur. Then he bit three children on the face. One poor girl has been left with a severely dented nose and the whole class was left traumatised by this horrible display.
Nothing about dinosaurs is suitable for children, from their total lack of family values through to their non-existence from any serious scientific point of view.
Recently my sister foolishly gave my two youngest some dinosaurs toys for Christmas. After telling her to get out of my house I burnt the dinosaurs. My children were delighted because they know that dinosaurs are evil. I am fortunate that my family has been very supportive, and has disowned my children's former aunt.
Please, do what you can to get dinosaurs taken off the curriculum. Our school has been recently presented with a 214-signature petition, and following that and our recent protest the headmaster has said that he will take it the governors. We are lucky that he is so sympathetic to our cause, but I fear that others may not be.
If you would like to lend your support to our campaign, we have a Facebook group where we spread facts and research about the dinosaur myth. Hope to see you there! :-)
Now, one might wonder if this was a serious post, right? That remains to be seen, but judging by the user's comments throughout the thread and comments on the aforementioned Facebook page
Christians Against Dinosaurs, it appears to be legitimate.
Now, those comments are absurd and ridiculous enough, but how did the other parents on mumsnet.com react? With humor and astonishment. A sampling of the response:
I'd save your anger for pirates. They are presented as fun characters, but were a bit like terrorists.
You know that dinosaurs are just a gateway to the harder stuff though. One day your children are watching Walking With Dinosaurs then suddenly they're onto the hard stuff and reading The Origin of Species.
Dinosaurs,just say no!
Actually, there is evidence that dinosaurs had quite good family values, and nurtured their young in groups. One's even been named for this - Maiasaura (good mother lizard).
Well done on getting 214 other like minded -crazy people- to sign your petition. I'm sure governors will -wet their pants laughing- take everything you say on board.
The Facebook page has grown to more than 5,000 members virtually overnight. Judging by the comments and ridicule there, the original poster won't likely be keeping the page up for very long.
Chalk up at least one victory for the evil, dinosaur-loving masses.