If there is one thing right-wingers should have learned by now, it's that they are not funny. Charlie Sykes, a rabid talk radio host who makes his living spewing hate to Milwaukee-area suburbanites as they speed along the expressway, tweeted the following:
If there is a just God, they will Lynch Pete Carroll in Seattle tomorrow
That may not look or sound like a joke, but Sykes's defenders claim that this prayer for God to arrange that a losing football coach be hanged is just that - a joke.
For those who do not follow football, Pete Carroll is the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, and he is being criticized by many sports fans for his decision to call for a pass near the end of yesterday's Super Bowl game. The pass was intercepted and the Seahawks lost the game.
Those same fans have suggested that the coach should have called for a handoff to the Seahawks' star running back, Marshawn Lynch.
So, apparently Mr. Sykes decided that incorporating the words "lynch" into his tweet about Carroll would be both clever and funny. Lynch! Get it? He's got a million of 'em, jokes about slavery and rape and torture. He's a real barrel of laughs.
I'll pump up that deflated orange football while you laugh.
Back so soon?
The God reference was there because...well, I have absolutely no idea on that one.
Charlie, here's a little advice. In the future, If you want make jokes using football players' names, start with something easy like Dick Butkus.